
Eye strain and dry eyes are the source of some of the most common complaints heard by eye doctors. These eye issues often stem from everyday factors that are a part of many people’s lives: prolonged screen use, poor task lighting, and climate-controlled indoor environments. 

Awareness of the signs of these conditions and knowing what you can do to treat and prevent them can help soothe strained or dry eyes and improve the quality of your vision.

Keep reading to learn more about 10 signs of eye strain and dry eyes.

1. Eye Discomfort 

One of the most noticeable signs of eye strain is discomfort, which can range from mild irritation to severe pain that can affect daily activities. This discomfort often intensifies when performing tasks requiring intense focus, such as working on a computer, reading, or driving.

2. Dryness and Redness

Eye strain can lead to dry eyes, which can cause eyes to feel gritty or sandy. Dry eyes are often accompanied by pronounced redness, making the eyes appear bloodshot.

3. Frequent Blinking or Squinting

People experiencing eye strain or dry eyes may blink more frequently or squint to see clearly. Although regular blinking helps to moisten the eyes and clear away any irritants, excessive blinking can be a sign that the eyes are struggling to stay lubricated.

4. Blurred Vision

Blurred vision can occur when the eyes become fatigued and are unable to focus properly. The blurriness may come and go, often worsening after extended work at a computer or laptop or other work requiring detailed close vision.

5. Sensitivity to Light

Increased sensitivity to light, or photophobia, can be a sign of both eye strain and dry eyes. This sensitivity can cause eye discomfort in brightly lit environments, making it a challenge to focus on a screen or read in brightly lit rooms.

6. Headaches

Eye strain often leads to headaches, particularly around the forehead and temples, ranging from a dull ache to a throbbing sensation, and often worsens as the day progresses. These headaches occur when the muscles around the eyes become fatigued from prolonged use. 

7. Watery Eyes

Irritation from dry eyes can trigger the tear glands to produce an excess of watery tears to compensate for the dryness. However, these tears do not have the necessary lubricating properties to relieve that dryness effectively.

8. Difficulty Concentrating

The effects of eye strain and dry eyes can make it challenging to concentrate on tasks, especially those requiring sustained visual attention. Discomfort and blurred vision can result in a decreased ability to stay focused, impacting productivity and overall performance at work.

9. Eye Fatigue

Persistent eye fatigue, a feeling of heaviness, and an urge to close the eyes for relief are some of the most common signs of eye strain. This fatigue can be felt even after a full night’s sleep and often worsens throughout the day. 

10. Neck and Shoulder Pain

Eye strain can contribute to neck and shoulder pain from poor posture while working in front of an electronic screen. When a person’s eyes struggle to focus, they might lean forward or adopt awkward positions to see more clearly, putting additional strain on the neck and shoulders.

Preventing and Treating Eye Strain and Dry Eyes

If any of the signs of eye strain and dry eyes sound familiar to you, here are some of the best ways to prevent and treat these common conditions:

Take Regular Breaks 

Following the 20-20-20 rule can help eyes refocus and reduce eye fatigue: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away.

Blink More Often

Make a conscious effort to blink more frequently, especially when using an electronic screen. Regular blinking helps keep the eyes moist and eliminate irritants from the surface of the eye.

Use Proper Lighting

Ensure that work areas are well-lit but not overly bright. Use a screen filter to avoid glare from computers and laptops.

Adjust Screen Settings 

Adjust the brightness, contrast, and font size on electronic screens to a comfortable level. Position screens so that they are at eye level and at a comfortable distance to reduce eye strain.

Stay Hydrated 

Drink plenty of water over the course of the day to help maintain overall hydration. Staying hydrated promotes both eye moisture levels and overall eye health.

Use Artificial Tears 

Over-the-counter artificial tears can help lubricate the eyes and provide relief from dryness. Avoid drops that reduce redness, as they may contain ingredients that can worsen dryness.

Maintain Good Posture

When working, sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Position your computer screen at eye level to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck and shoulders.

Humidify Your Environment 

Using a humidifier can add moisture to the air to help prevent dry eyes, especially in indoor environments with central air conditioning or heating.

Wear Computer Glasses 

Specially designed computer glasses can reduce glare and block blue light, helping minimize eye strain and prevent eye fatigue during prolonged screen use.

Consult Your Eye Doctor

If your eye strain and dry eye symptoms persist, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor at Batra Vision Medical Group. They can perform a comprehensive eye exam and recommend effective treatments tailored to your needs.

Recognizing the signs of eye strain and dry eyes is integral to protecting your eyes in the modern digital world. By taking preventative measures and seeking effective treatments, you can ensure both the health and comfort of your vision.

Are you experiencing dry eyes or eye strain? Schedule an appointment at Batra Vision Medical Group in San Leandro, CA, today!